Sunday, 10 June 2012

Prompt Four

Q: The role of the reader in the interpretation of a text is important. Given who you are – your social, culture background, you’re gender beliefs, ect. – How might you respond differently you this book than others?

A: I think the fact of me being a teen girl helps me understand the lesson in this book a lot more than a male teen would or an adult would. This book was about a teen girl getting involved in the world of prostitution. I think being a teen girl and reading this book gives you better understanding of the emotions behind Yolande, the main character. It helps you understand how her feelings brought her to where she ended up because I think in one way or another; teen girls can relate to this book the most out of anyone who were to read it. I think culture and beliefs have a large role in how you might interpret this book. If you were brought up in a sheltered environment you might not be able to connect with Yolande as much as other people. But, there is also Gabrielle, who is a very relatable character. She tries to help her friend throughout the book but keeps getting pushed away. So, I believe that any teen girl could read this book, enjoy it and be able to connect with one of the characters.

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