Sunday, 10 June 2012

On The Game -Monique Polak

Prompt Four

Q: The role of the reader in the interpretation of a text is important. Given who you are – your social, culture background, you’re gender beliefs, ect. – How might you respond differently you this book than others?

A: I think the fact of me being a teen girl helps me understand the lesson in this book a lot more than a male teen would or an adult would. This book was about a teen girl getting involved in the world of prostitution. I think being a teen girl and reading this book gives you better understanding of the emotions behind Yolande, the main character. It helps you understand how her feelings brought her to where she ended up because I think in one way or another; teen girls can relate to this book the most out of anyone who were to read it. I think culture and beliefs have a large role in how you might interpret this book. If you were brought up in a sheltered environment you might not be able to connect with Yolande as much as other people. But, there is also Gabrielle, who is a very relatable character. She tries to help her friend throughout the book but keeps getting pushed away. So, I believe that any teen girl could read this book, enjoy it and be able to connect with one of the characters.

Prompt Three

Q: Did certain parts of the book make you uncomfortable? If so, why did you feel that way? Did this lead to a new understanding or awareness? 

A: Yes a lot of the book made me feel very uncomfortable. It was based on a true story about teen prostitution in Montreal. Yolande is a 15 year girl who gets forced into the world of drugs, drinking and worst of all prostitution. Considering she is around the same age as me it really hit me hard. It made me realize that things like this really do happen, to girls my age and even where I live. You really have to be careful with who you are talking to and hanging out with because you never really know a person until they show there true colours. In the case, Yolande thought she was dating a nice guy and he turned out to be using her for his prostitution business. This book really makes you think how lucky you are to be as sheltered as some of us are. It’s hard to think that girls so young could end up in the situation Yolande did. I am so blessed to have been instilled with lessons like not talking to strangers or how not to get myself in bad situations. It made me think to always be aware and to never be scared to say no.

Prompt Two

Q: How do the characters evolve throughout the course of the story? What events trigger such changes?

A: Yolande is the main character in this book. At the beginning she is a sweet girl who loves spending time with her mom and her best friend Gabrielle. She is trying to grieve from the loss of her father. During the day the two girls work at the Y Camp and at night they hang out and watch movies. When Yolande starts seeing Etienne, who is twenty-one, her character starts changing. She starts to become more rebellious. She spray paints signs, sneaks out,  goes clubbing late at night, sleeps around with various men and starts pushing away her best friend. Yolande becomes defensive of what she thinks is true love. This leads her character further into the world of prostitution, somewhere she never thought she would go. Leading a double life was hard for her and brought her to a crashing point. By the end of the book, she realizes how she’s changed and what she really thought was love never was. She then starts to return to her original character, when she sees the true side of Etienne and that he was only using her.

Prompt One

Q: What was unique about the setting of the book and how did it enhance or take away from the story?

A: What was unique about the setting of the book was that it was based in Montreal. I have been there before so hearing certain street names or places really helped me visualize what was happening in the story. In some situations in the novel, it made me not want to visit Montreal because this book was based on a true story. Hearing about all the horrible stories of prostitution and how badly the women are treating made me feel disgusted. But on the other hand hearing of some of the places in Montreal made me want to explore the city. For the most part this book leads me to believe that Montreal is a very sexual city where many young girls are lead into a horrible life style. Knowing this and have being to Montreal really gave me a clear image while reading the book. It definitely enhanced the book.



Emily Waterhouse
Mrs. Van Wely
June 10th 2012

      This is the independent study unit for my grade 11 English class. We have to read a book by a Canadian author and create a blog answering questions about it. I chose a book called “In The Game”. It was written by a woman named Monique Polak. She was born in Montréal, Québec, and now lives there with her husband and daughter. The book “In The Game” was based on a true story in Québec, about teen prostitution.

Summary & About the Author


       “On The Game” is a booked based on a true story, about teen prostitution. It starts with a fifteen year old girl named Yolande. She lost her father when she was young and now lives as an only child with her mother. Seeking the attention from a man, she starts to date a guy called Etienne. He is 21, and lives a very dark life. As Yolande starts to become more “involved” with Etienne and his life, and he starts asking her to do favours for him. She is then forced into being a part of his prostitution business. After many late nights at the club, at parties and with clients it all comes to an end.
This is relatable to teens because teenagers can be forced into situations they don’t want to be in. 

About the Author: 

          Monique Polak was born in Montréal, Québec in 1960. From a young age she always knew she would grow up to do something creative. She went to McGill University for English Literature and did her Master’s degree at Concordia University. She has since then wrote “FLIP TURN”, “NO MORE PRANKS” “HOME INVASION” “ALL IN” “FINDING ELMO” “SCARRED” “121 EXPRESS” “WHAT WORLD IS LEFT” “JUNKYARD DOG” “THE MIDDLE OF EVERYWHERE” and “MIRACLEVILLE”. She has been published through two different companies and is a very successful writer. 
